IVR AGM 2023
The Institute of Vehicle Recovery AGM and 40 year celebrations took place on 4 March 2023 in Stratford-upon-Avon.
Fellowships were awarded to Tony Le-May from Delmonte Garage and Jason Brice from CMG. Fellowships (FIVR) are awarded to members of the Institute who in the view of the IVR Council had given outstanding service to the IVR and/or the industry as a whole.
The prestigious Bill Jackson Award was presented to Manchett’s Recovery, who had shown the methods they used to recover a digger from the sea.
There were presentations after the AGM from:
Meera Naran MBE, who spoke about her campaign for safer roads since her son Dev passed away following a collision on the M6. Meera spoke of her a 19 point action plan to parliament, with 18 of those points (including some amendments to the highway code) being adopted.
Ian Greenman, UKRO presented on behalf of Project Edward, (Every Day Without a Road Death), he explained how they promote best practice in road safety. Ian spoke about collaborating on social media with others involved with road safety as well as Project Edward's 2023 week of action to promote road safety, which takes place on 15-19th May.
Sheena Hague, National Highways shared an informative Smart Motorways stocktake update, as well as some of National Highways current/future plans to improve road safety, the theme of working with others to achieve the best outcome was echoed throughout all the presentations..
The IVR's Nick Ovenden (president) and Mark Hartell (vice chairman) gave a whistle stop tour of IVR achievements over the past 40 years and an appreciation of those who had helped bring the IVR to where it was today.
A thank you goes to all the sponsors of the AGM and the evening Gala Dinner: Boniface Engineering, LV Britannia Rescue, National Highways, The AA (Jack Ovenden Award), Copart, Creative Funding, Ernest R Shaw, Dave Bland Engineering, Apex Networks, Allianz Partners Worldwide, Call Assist, Recovery Truck Finance, Tow Truck Trader, Ceyhan.
Also thank you to those who gave raffle prizes such as RED, Recoverysafe, Ashford Recovery