© IVR (UK) Ltd
IVR EV/hybrid Safety Rules have been launched as a reminder to technicians of how to work as safely as possible when recovering EV/hybrid vehicles on the UK road network. These rules also act as a constant reminder of a roadside technician's IVR VR27 EV/hybrid training.
Rule 1 - Use and act on my dynamic risk assessment before approaching an EV/hybrid vehicle.
Rule 2 - Do not touch high voltage (HV) cables, often (but not always) orange.
Rule 3 - Do not touch high voltage (HV) components usually marked with a yellow warning label.
Rule 4 - Keep smart keys at a safe distance away from the vehicle or preferably locked away in a signal blocking pouch.
Rule 5 - In potential HV battery compromise situations, work on the safe-side of the vehicle and perform and record contactless thermal checks using ambient, ground/surface and 5 points of HV battery temperatures.
Rule 6 - Disconnect low voltage if it is required and you are suitably trained. You must wait at least 10 minutes following disconnection before recovery - do not touch HV cabling or components even after disconnection.
Rule 7 - Do not attempt to manually disconnect a HV battery. This must only be carried out by suitably qualified technicians, with the correct EV PPE and after it has been established that this is necessary.
Rule 8 - Keep all drive wheels off the ground when recovering, unless current manufacturer information advises differently.
Rule 9 - Always work within your level of training and accept that you are responsible and accountable for your actions.
Rule 10 - Pass over information gathered during recovery to the next person to enable them to continue to risk assess, to record thermal temperature checks and to carefully consider where to park the vehicle.
Rules can be printed for use by vehicle recovery and roadside technicians.
© IVR (UK) Ltd